Off-Season Baseball Programs

PS2 Athletics Off-Season Baseball Programs


Baseball Winter Workouts

Baseball Winter Workouts Begin DECEMBER 6th - FEBRUARY 26TH

Winners are made in the off-season and our baseball Winter Workouts are designed to have you in top shape for the spring season. We give athletes the tools and confidence they need to start the year off right. This program is designed for our Academy players but we open spots to the general public as well. Our 3 month program is the most comprehensive in the area and registration usually fills quickly so please contact us today. More information and registration details can be found by calling the office: 973-689-7700.

PS2 Pitching & Throwing Program

PS2 is excited to present their 2021-2022 throwing program. It will be directed by Pitching Coach Matt Patterson. He was a Division 1 Athlete at Rutgers University from 2003-2008 and is certified in Driveline: Foundations of Pitching. Coach Patterson has worked with some of the top HS pitchers in the state, Most noticeably Nazier Mule who became one of the youngest kid to throw 100MPH in a game. Working in collaboration with Dr. Scott Koningswood, owner of KPR, athletes who join will receive a fully encompassing program that focuses on strengthening not only the arm but the entire body. The program will focus on developing arm strength, fluent, explosive, and repeatable pitching mechanics. Along with command inside the strike zone, pitch shaping creating better movement on all pitches, VELOCITY increase, and inning build up for the upcoming season. Additionally working with Dr. Scott all Athletes will gain strength and explosiveness in all areas that are throwing specific. All this will be held at the state of the art facility PS2 athletics.

Spots are limited! Please call us today for information 973-689-7700

Junior Crusaders Baseball Clinic

Junior Crusaders Baseball Clinic for Ages 6-8

Our very popular Junior Crusaders clinic is designed for future travel players ages 6-8 and runs every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30pm and Saturday 10am-11am. Our coaches work through the game at the appropriate pace for these younger athletes. SPACE WILL BE LIMITED AND WILL BE FIRST COME SERVE.

Pre-Registration is required. Call the office: 973-689-7700.

Private and Semi-Private Lesson Packages

One of the best ways to see impactful results for your athlete is through private lessons. Our experienced trainers work well with athletes of all ages and skill levels. Call the office to schedule your time today, 973-689-7700.

Pitching Development Program

Please contact the Facility to Register: 973-689-7700 or Email Us Here